Plugs ‘n Pixels blog subscription option is now active

As of today, those of you new to the site can subscribe to the Plugs ‘n Pixels blog to get immediate notification of any new post and other related photo/software news (see sidebar). Previous subscribers to the ezine are already activated. You’ll note I am not requiring a personal or business name upon sign-up, only Read more about Plugs ‘n Pixels blog subscription option is now active[…]

Introducing my friends at PhotoWhoa

Over the past 15+ years, I have partnered with various plug-in and related software developers and photography/Photoshop trainers to bring you useful goodies for your camera, your computer and your mind – at a discount whenever possible. I’ve been in touch with the team at PhotoWhoa for a couple of years now and have been amazed Read more about Introducing my friends at PhotoWhoa[…]

Today’s feel-good photo

Taken while on a cruise to Mexico (or maybe on the way back?), this lucky and well-timed ocean-rainbow-seagull photo is unretouched and unedited except for a bit of cropping and post-treatment with Dynamic Pop in Topaz Adjust 5. Before (the original): After: Makes me feel good… Thanks for reading! Please check out the main Plugs Read more about Today’s feel-good photo[…]

Focusing on: Photolemur 2

I’ve spent most of the day playing with a cool new image enhancement app called Photolemur, the new version 2 (non-subscription, permanent license model) having just been released. Photolemur is a very simple app that goes a long way towards fixing up bad images and even further improving good ones. I posted a review on Read more about Focusing on: Photolemur 2[…]

Focusing on: Anthropics LandscapePro Studio Max

If you’re a landscape photographer and have been having bad luck with the weather, take a look at Anthropics LandscapePro Studio Max (read my review here). It’s a fun and effective way to replace skies and adjust separate elements in your scenic photos, such as grass, trees, rocks, stone, etc. Here is a before-and-after example Read more about Focusing on: Anthropics LandscapePro Studio Max[…]

Seeing stars and winning contests

It was 1975, I was 13 and on my way to my very first photo assignment for the local newspaper. Obviously I didn’t drive at that age, so to get to the assignment from my house (it was a blood drive at the high school cafeteria) I had to walk across town with my 35mm Read more about Seeing stars and winning contests[…]

From razor blades to the lasso tool

Back in the late ’70s I found a way to pass the time in high school math class: Cut up my own photos as well as pages from magazines with razor blades and tape or glue them into photo collages! Now, some of this was legitimate work and training: I entered some finished projects in Read more about From razor blades to the lasso tool[…]

Time Sausages

Maybe you remember Al Stewart’s song Time Passages (which some call “Time Sausages”). I’ve always been intrigued by the passage of time and how things slowly and imperceptibly change along the way, changes you don’t even notice until you bookend the old with the new. A very popular exercise of this nature (which you’ve surely Read more about Time Sausages[…]

It’s a grunge, grunge world

In an earlier post I mentioned how I love adding artsy to my images. In a related matter, I also love adding grunge to them! While grunge can be considered a form of artsy, it invokes a different response in the viewer (usually less positive, unless you’re a grunge-type person!). Here is a selection of Read more about It’s a grunge, grunge world[…]

At the car show (being a visual savant)

I drive a Hyundai Accent so obviously I’m no car connoisseur. BUT! There’s something about vintage car shows that attracts me as a photographer. And not even the cars themselves, but specifically pieces of them: Isolated details, where I try to create photos to draw the viewer’s eye to mechanical features or colors you might Read more about At the car show (being a visual savant)[…]