Don’t delete it!

In the course of taking your images, you are sure to generate a fair number of clunkers. Our common practice when later reviewing the results of a shoot on the computer is to delete all the ones with technical or other issues without giving it a second thought. Here’s an unretouched/uncropped example of an image Read more about Don’t delete it![…]

Heads up: A timely deal on Photoshop actions

PhotoWhoa, whom we featured a few posts ago, has always got an incredible amount of photography-related deals going on, such as this one expiring 8/6: LAST CHANCE – $19 TODAY, $500 Tomorrow: 29 Photoshop Action Sets with 1850 Actions. You can save an additional 10% off any PhotoWhoa deal by using coupon code “PLUGSNPIXELS” Also Read more about Heads up: A timely deal on Photoshop actions[…]

Introducing my friends at PhotoWhoa

Over the past 15+ years, I have partnered with various plug-in and related software developers and photography/Photoshop trainers to bring you useful goodies for your camera, your computer and your mind – at a discount whenever possible. I’ve been in touch with the team at PhotoWhoa for a couple of years now and have been amazed Read more about Introducing my friends at PhotoWhoa[…]

Today’s feel-good photo

Taken while on a cruise to Mexico (or maybe on the way back?), this lucky and well-timed ocean-rainbow-seagull photo is unretouched and unedited except for a bit of cropping and post-treatment with Dynamic Pop in Topaz Adjust 5. Before (the original): After: Makes me feel good… Thanks for reading! Please check out the main Plugs Read more about Today’s feel-good photo[…]

Focusing on: Photolemur 2

I’ve spent most of the day playing with a cool new image enhancement app called Photolemur, the new version 2 (non-subscription, permanent license model) having just been released. Photolemur is a very simple app that goes a long way towards fixing up bad images and even further improving good ones. I posted a review on Read more about Focusing on: Photolemur 2[…]

Focusing on: Anthropics LandscapePro Studio Max

If you’re a landscape photographer and have been having bad luck with the weather, take a look at Anthropics LandscapePro Studio Max (read my review here). It’s a fun and effective way to replace skies and adjust separate elements in your scenic photos, such as grass, trees, rocks, stone, etc. Here is a before-and-after example Read more about Focusing on: Anthropics LandscapePro Studio Max[…]

From razor blades to the lasso tool

Back in the late ’70s I found a way to pass the time in high school math class: Cut up my own photos as well as pages from magazines with razor blades and tape or glue them into photo collages! Now, some of this was legitimate work and training: I entered some finished projects in Read more about From razor blades to the lasso tool[…]

Laguna Beach scene

The artsy police: Who decides what treatment sucks and what doesn’t?

One of my absolute favorite things to do in post-processing is to apply what I call “artsy” to my own images. I am not and have never been a traditional artist (I don’t have the patience, except maybe for abstracts if it came to that). I use software such as Topaz Impression or PostworkShop to Read more about The artsy police: Who decides what treatment sucks and what doesn’t?[…]

Tombstone representing abandoned software

When your favorite software goes belly-up

Software is the food that runs our computers and other digital devices. We get hooked on this digital food, whether because we actually need its functionality to do our work or simply because we enjoy using it for fun. But as with everything else in life, a change is gonna come. One day your favorite Read more about When your favorite software goes belly-up[…]