As the Topaz devs keep improving their new app, just today, Topaz Photo AI 1.0.4. became available! Those of you who have been using the Topaz Image Quality Bundle (DeNoise AI, Gigapixel AI, Sharpen AI) will enjoy having this functionality combined into a single interface! This approach saves you the effort needed to treat your image in those 3 separate apps, one after the other.
As part of their recent launch special, Topaz is offering a $40 discount through TONIGHT using coupon GETPHOTOAI (stacked discount, only available through this link).
Subscribers to this blog already had a heads-up about the sale, and this is yet another reminder
Here is a sample 4x upscale from version 1.0.3 done just the other day, using a screenshot of one of my low-res Instagram photos as a source for my test (open image in a new tab or window to view at 100%). Very nice cleanup! Gigapixel was always my favorite Topaz app, I’m glad to see the legacy continues in Photo AI.