Topaz recently announced the release of Sharpen AI 3.2 along with a launch sale! Ending TODAY, you can save $20 off the regular price as well as an additional 15% ($9) using the link above with coupon “plugsnpixels”.
Please see my previous blog post for more details about Sharpen AI. Here are the changes and fixes in the more recent 3.2.1 update:
•Added preference to disable downloading models
*Additionally, less devices will need to download any models in the first place
•Preferences dialog now scrolls if there isn’t enough room to display it, and has collapsible sections
•Fixed masking brush stroke being interrupted disappearing temporarily when the preview updates
•Fixed several issues happening after deleting a non-selected image while the first image is selected
•Fixed removing all images not de-selecting those images
•Performance fixes for certain intel iGPUs on windows, GPUs on mac 10.14 and older, 2GB GPUs on Mac 10.15 and higher and on windows 10
•Fixed DLL errors appearing on Windows 7
Below are two examples of Sharpen AI working its auto-magic on otherwise unretouched soft 4-megapixel images from 2006 (open in new window to view at 100%):