My friends at PhotoWhoa are constantly offering new products to improve your photography, such as premium video courses, e-books, actions & presets, live trainings, and much more.
One of the recent additions to their ever-changing lineup is a very helpful portrait photography pricing book called The Little Portrait Add-On Guide. It is a big help for navigating that always-murky part of the photography business concerning “how much do I charge?” Beyond that, it also gives you tips for achieving successful upselling of portrait-related products and services.

As with most everything PhotoWhoa offers, The Little Portrait Add-On Guide is currently discounted (from $39 to $17) and by using coupon code plugsnpixels through the link above, you can save an additional 10%! This double-discount applies to most any of the hundreds of discounted listings on PhotoWhoa’s site.

Maybe you’re not a portrait photographer but a creative Photoshop artist instead. PhotoWhoa has you covered with such items as The Atmosphere Bundle Of 23 Cool Photoshop Effects ($75 > $29 – 10%) or perhaps the Exposures Collection By Gavin Philips [with 50 presets for Photoshop Camera Raw & Lightroom, 200 Custom Textures + 15 Photoshop actions] ($120 > $29 – 10%)
I could spend hours listing and describing the huge variety of excellent and varied deals here, but better yet, there is a live-feed PhotoWhoa page on the main Plugs ‘n Pixels website that is auto-populated with a very long clickable list of the very latest specials (a sample screenshot of today’s deals is shown below).
If you see something that interests you, move fast as the deals are always changing!