Featured PhotoWhoa discount: The Artistic Photo FX Bundle

This month our friends at PhotoWhoa are offering a bundle of Artistic FX Photoshop Effects at extreme markdown ($450 > $24)! The bundle is a convenient and affordable way to transform photos into art. Here’s how PhotoWhoa describes the bundle: What if you could transform any photography into a unique work of art? What if you had the Read more about Featured PhotoWhoa discount: The Artistic Photo FX Bundle[…]

Topaz goes wild! A.I. Remix update (unadvertised discount)

In my recent blog posts you’ve seen me demonstrate how Topaz products such as A.I. Gigapixel and A.I. Clear can redeem lo-res and noisy images, salvaging them into highly usable final results. After all that extreme enlarging, clarifying detail and noise reduction, sometimes you want to just let your hair down and do something wild! Read more about Topaz goes wild! A.I. Remix update (unadvertised discount)[…]

What’s going on today?

I’m in the middle of a big personal photo archive project so I’ve been spending way too much time in Photoshop and Bridge lately, but it’s catch up with what’s going on in the world of plug-ins and other photo-related items. First, Topaz just released Texture Effects for Topaz Studio, and they’re offering $20 off Read more about What’s going on today?[…]

Featured: 1300+ Premium Overlays Bundle from PhotoWhoa

My friends at PhotoWhoa offer a constantly changing and seemingly endless supply of photography-related software, presets and training – some free and most discounted. I asked them to write a post about their current featured offer, the 1300+ Premium Overlays Bundle. Before we get started, here is one of my own scenic photos treated with two Read more about Featured: 1300+ Premium Overlays Bundle from PhotoWhoa[…]