Just a reminder that the current launch sale for Topaz DeNoise AI 2 ends this Friday! Of course, after that date you can always save 15% through Plugs ‘n Pixels, but why not double-dip in the meantime! Better yet, grab the whole Topaz Utility Bundle during this huge sale (includes Sharpen AI, DeNoise AI, JPEG to RAW and Gigapixel AI)!
Here’s a new screenshot I just did with the current release version of DeNoise AI (2.0.0), processing one of the noisiest images in my own stock photo collection (taken in 2003 with a non-DSLR, a slow-exposure in nighttime conditions). Open each screenshot in a new window to view at 100%:

To repair this type of image would have been hopeless not too long ago, but DeNoise AI not only removes the distracting digital mush but also recovers and sharpens up the details. You’ll note I had a choice of noise-reduction options (DeNoise AI or AI Clear, the latter of which is another Topaz product with its technology now incorporated into DeNoise AI).
Here’s another example from the same image, but this time with the AI Clear treatment:

The Manual control sliders give you full access to the noise-reducing capability of DeNoise AI, so you can customize the treatment for your particular image(s).
Speaking of images (plural), batch processing is also included!
Here’s an overview of the DeNoise AI workflow:

Spend some time going through your photo archive (especially those shot years ago with early [ie, primitive] digital camera technology) and see if you can’t improve them enough to compete with current photos.
NOTE: You can ALWAYS save at least 15% off ANY Topaz software by clicking here and using coupon code plugsnpixels. The coupon is also good during the current launch sale offered by Topaz for a double-discount through 2/7!