LAST DAY! Topaz Gigapixel 5.8 release sale ends today – get the double-discount!

REMINDER: Ending today, you can save $20 off the new Gigapixel AI 5.8.0 AND apply the “plugsnpixels” coupon code to save an additional 15%! You can mix-and-match deals and get the double-discount on the Image Quality Bundle or ANY OTHER Topaz app or plan as well: The example below shows Gigapixel salvaging and enlarging by Read more about LAST DAY! Topaz Gigapixel 5.8 release sale ends today – get the double-discount![…]

Just like Christmas again: New Topaz Gigapixel release, $20 off sale + another 15%!

It was sad when the huge Black Friday and December holiday sales ended. Of course there was always the ongoing Plugs ‘n Pixels 15% discount on ANY Topaz product at any time, but it was more fun stacking the discount with a Topaz sale price. Well those days are back! Through 2/18 you can save Read more about Just like Christmas again: New Topaz Gigapixel release, $20 off sale + another 15%![…]

I laugh at Adobe’s “Super Resolution”-! Please read ASAP

“You were reading some back issues of Photoshop User the other day…” And I came across a Photoshop Q&A by Terry White, where the question was, “How can I increase the resolution of my image and still maintain quality?” Terry goes on to explain that in Adobe Camera Raw “…we now have ‘Super Resolution,’ which Read more about I laugh at Adobe’s “Super Resolution”-! Please read ASAP[…]

Topaz 25% Off Holiday Sale: IGNORE THESE PRICES! Go for 40%…

Just in! Topaz has announced their Holiday Sale with prices at 25% off! But don’t let that stop you, ha – you can save AN ADDITIONAL 15% OFF the sale price by entering through this sale link and using coupon code “plugsnpixels“. For example: Here are the “only 25% off” prices as listed. Use the coupon Read more about Topaz 25% Off Holiday Sale: IGNORE THESE PRICES! Go for 40%…[…]

New from Topaz Part 1: Video Enhance AI (save $100+$30 through 11/16)

Topaz has just released version 2.6.0 of its popular Video Enhance AI app with a beautiful, clean, updated interface and a huge discount to celebrate: $100 off through 11/16! You can save an additional $30 here with coupon “plugsnpixels”. This coupon also applies to ANY Topaz app at ANY TIME. Before we take a look Read more about New from Topaz Part 1: Video Enhance AI (save $100+$30 through 11/16)[…]

LAST DAY to save $29 off Topaz Sharpen AI

Topaz recently announced the release of Sharpen AI 3.2 along with a launch sale! Ending TODAY, you can save $20 off the regular price as well as an additional 15% ($9) using the link above with coupon “plugsnpixels”. Please see my previous blog post for more details about Sharpen AI. Here are the changes and Read more about LAST DAY to save $29 off Topaz Sharpen AI[…]

ENDS FRIDAY: Save $60+$36 off Topaz Video Enhance AI

Several months ago I wrote in this blog about Topaz Video Enhance AI and how I used it on some 35+ years old video footage to make it more watchable in the present. Topaz is currently offering a steep discount on the current version of the app, 2.3.0, through tomorrow, 7/16. Readers of this blog Read more about ENDS FRIDAY: Save $60+$36 off Topaz Video Enhance AI[…]

1-Click Image-to-Art Series Part 1: Dynamic Auto Painter

Do you have the patience to paint like a real artist? Neither do I! Whether it’s the side of a barn or a small canvas, I’m just not going to bother with that… But I can take photos all day long, and I do love the look of “artsy” post-processing on my photos! So how Read more about 1-Click Image-to-Art Series Part 1: Dynamic Auto Painter[…]

Upsize video 400%/8K! New Topaz Video Enhance AI 2, double-discounted (save $172!)

What Topaz Gigapixel AI does for still photos, Video Enhance AI does for videos! Both products take small, compressed and quality-challenged input and covert them to very usable final upsized results. Or make your good photos and videos even better. Video Enhance AI version 2.0.0 was just released earlier today, and Topaz is offering it Read more about Upsize video 400%/8K! New Topaz Video Enhance AI 2, double-discounted (save $172!)[…]

Sales are quickly ending (don’t be that person-!)

A strange thing happens each time I notify my subscribers of the latest deep discounts on software: A day or two after the major sale events such as Black Friday/Cyber Monday expire, visitors finally come around and make their purchases (?). Sure, I can always get you a discount and if you buy after a Read more about Sales are quickly ending (don’t be that person-!)[…]