1-Click Image-to-Art Series Part 3: Filter Forge 10 (save 50%)

In the first two installments of this 1-Click Image-To-Art series we looked at emulating traditional painting methods with Dynamic Auto Painter and Topaz Studio>Impression. Now, let’s depart from that usual level of artistic expression and go a bit wild with Filter Forge! Now at version 10, Filter Forge (Windows, Mac, standalone and plug-in) is based Read more about 1-Click Image-to-Art Series Part 3: Filter Forge 10 (save 50%)[…]

1-Click Image-to-Art Series Part 2: Topaz Studio>Impression (save 15%)

In the first post of this series we looked at Mediachance’s Dynamic Auto Painter. In response, one photo forum poster asked me how DAP compared to Topaz Studio. So let’s take a look! Topaz Studio is described as “The future of creative photo editing… with powerful filters and frictionless masking in a fine-tuned non-destructive layer Read more about 1-Click Image-to-Art Series Part 2: Topaz Studio>Impression (save 15%)[…]

Adding Flypaper Texture Overlays To Your Images (save 30%)

There is an easy trick for simply improving or completely revamping your images and it involves using texture overlays. In this post I will show several of my random architecture-related images and explain how they were enhanced and altered using the just-released Flypaper Canvas Texture Selection (currently on sale at 30% off through 11/30 with Read more about Adding Flypaper Texture Overlays To Your Images (save 30%)[…]