New today: Topaz DeNoise AI 2.2 FREE update or double discount!

I just downloaded the latest update to DeNoise AI, now at version 2.2.1, and here’s what’s new! This update includes the new masking/selective adjustments feature where users will be able to selectively apply or remove noise reduction to certain areas in images. This feature can be found by clicking the “Masking” brush icon near the Read more about New today: Topaz DeNoise AI 2.2 FREE update or double discount![…]

Topaz DeNoise AI 2: Now with batch processing!

Many users have told Topaz that batch processing is a necessity in DeNoise AI, and now it’s here in the new version 2, just released! Batching can be done by importing multiple images at one time, or by repeatedly opening images to append them to the list. Once more than one image is added, the Read more about Topaz DeNoise AI 2: Now with batch processing![…]